Key To Perfect Health
Healing Mind, Body & Soul…
Keytoperfecthealth is a one stop solution to your health queries, home remedies, natural skin care solutions, nutritional and lifestyle advice, homoeopathic treatment and more. Our bodies are meant to function in symphony with nature. The modern day diseases are an answer to our departure with nature.
My Health Blog
Demystifying Health Related Myths…
What is Herd Immunity? Is herd immunity the ultimate weapon against novel Coronavirus? What is the current status of Coronavirus vaccine?
In the global tussle to subjugate humanity’s colossal foe Covid-19, one thing that is eagerly sought after by everyone is immunity against novel Coronavirus. This immunity can either be achieved naturally by getting exposed, infected and recovered from the virus or...
Coronavirus- Why social distancing is important?
The novel Coronavirus is here to stay. We have to live with it whether we like it or not. But in subsequent years it might be much more benign. Next season Coronavirus may return again. But it may not grab attention as most of us would have developed antibodies...
Turmeric and Rock salt for Toothache
Using turmeric and rock salt for toothache along with mustard oil is a phenomenal combination. Massaging the teeth daily at night with this paste gives relief in many tooth ailments such as pyorrhea, swollen gums, loose teeth, bleeding from teeth on brushing, bad breath. Turmeric and rock salt for toothache is a tried and tested remedy. It is scientifically proven in improving gingival and periodontal health.
Tinea Versicolor: White spots on neck, shoulders
Tinea versicolor is a symptomless superficial skin disorder in which small round hypopigmented (white) patches appear on the skin. In very few cases mild itching of the skin may be present. The patches are present so close together that they merge into one another as they grow in size. They have a scaly appearance.
Homoeopathic medicines for Menstrual cramps
Many women suffer a lot every month during their periods. It is not only the physical pain but also the mental and emotional changes under hormonal influence that are very agonizing. A well behaved women all of sudden becomes aggressive and starts speaking unpleasant words towards the approach of menses, she and the family members knows not why. Then her period begins and the picture gets clearer. Even though Homoeopathic medicine can effectively
Dysmenorrhea or Menstrual cramps
Dysmenorrhea (or painful menstruation) means abdominal pain or cramps during or just before periods. It is one of the most common and incapacitating problems associated with monthly menstrual cycles among women. At times, more than the physical pain it’s the mental worry that plagues the woman fearing some underlying pathology to such painful episodes.